Remakes and remasters are all the rage these, especially on the PS4. Gravity Rush, Valkyria Chronicles, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir are some particularly good ones. Now, there is Dragon's Crown Pro, remake of yet one PlayStation 3/Vita classic, Dragon's Crown. Does it continue the line good REs (not Resident Evil) on the PS4? Let's find out.
Dragon's Crown Pro is a side-scrolling fantasy game where you pick a hero and beat ass in various dungeons. There action feels like an arcade game, with short dungeons that end in with an intense boss fight. It doesn't take long to go through a dungeon, perfect for those who have tight schedules or simply don't have hours to sit down and play games.
Bosses are epic and battle can get intense. |
The characters are mostly different in terms of their playstyles. Melee fighters get close and whup ass, spellcasters keep their distance and attack with magic. Nothing you shouldn't be used to or not expect in this aspect. However the game is not just simply walking from the left side of the screen, beating any ass that tries to stop you from getting to the right side.
Introducing our six protagonists. |
The game is RPGish in its style. You can put together a party from dead people you find or you can continue to go it alone. You can ride select monster or stay on foot. You can even choose to grind (a classic RPG past time) or try to win with the lowest level possible.
Pick up piles of bones to obtain new allies. |
Another part of the gameplay lies in the thief that follows you around, whom you can somewhat control with the touchpad or the right stick. You'll need him to unlock door and treasure chests. He doesn't fight and runs offscreen when enemies show up. He CAN be hurt, but I've never once seen him die. Eventually, you'll also get a fairy, who will reveal passages, both hidden and unhidden.
This guy is with you from the onset, unlocking doors and chests, while picking up treasures you miss. |
This Tinkerbell clone joins you later. |
The touchpad and/or right stick can also be used to find hidden treasures to beef up your score after beating the level. Simply hover the red finger over shiny spots and watch the treasures "poof" into existence. This is better than the mechanic of the PS3 original where you have to move the finger with right stick, then you still have to press R3 to get the treasures to appear.
The gameplay can get intense, so much so that you may not be able to find your character. For example, the screen will fill up with enemies and allies, causing you to lose track of your character. Then suddenly, there will be a big explosion and your character will be sent flying. The whole situation screams WTF? The
Also, your allies are extremely stupid, especially when it comes to dealing with environmental hazards. They run into traps that can easily be taken out with a few hits. The dumbest thing I've ever seen allies do is run into fire and just stand there, dying within second. Definitely some facepalm moments.
There's some comfort in having lots of allies, but they can be quite stupid at times. |
On to the other stuff. The graphics are standard Vanillaware fare. That's a short way of saying they are some of the finest 2D graphics you'll see. There's even eye candy and a little bit of disturbing stuff. You won't get tired of looking at the game.
There's cool-looking stuff... |
...disturbing images... |
...and even a few treats. |
The music fits, but it's not really my style. Whereas Odin Sphere and Muramasa (also Vanillaware titles) had strong soundtracks that also fit with those games, I just wasn't feeling most of the music here. The boss theme was easily the best track in my opinion. Overall, there's nothing wrong with the music. It just didn't jive with me.
In the end, Dragon's Crown Pro is a solid update to a solid game. The gameplay is still the same, but the lesser things have been fixed. Whether or not you already have the PS3 original, give this one a try. Play it.
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