Some games are bad. Really bad. Whether its flawed execution, bad design, bad programming, a stupid concept, or something else, some games are a cut below the rest.
Yet there are some bad games that people personally like. Games deep down inside you know suck. Every gamer has at least a few of these on their shelve. These a my top 5 bad games that I enjoy.
1. Rumble Roses (PS2)
When you think of pro wrestling, big musclemen usually come to mind. Rumble Roses goes the opposite direction, utilizing a roster of smoking hot women instead. The roster is pretty small, topping out at 11, but each character has face (good guy) and heel (bad guy) versions that you can switch between by making vows, then breaking them to turn heel or keeping them to turn face. The game has some neat character themes, though some of the entrances are ridiculous. The game looks good and the women are genuinely hot. The gameplay resembles a typical wrestling game, but more barebones. Don't expect a Create-A-Wrestling mode or anything cool like that. As a whole, the gameplay is bland and the story is stupid, but it's graphics that make a game like this work. This one gets passing grades on that front.
2. Mega Man X6 (PS1)
From the first time I played Blizzard Wolfang's stage, I knew this was a bad game. Still, I stuck with it for no other reason than that I was a Megaman fan and this was a Megaman game. While the game never really got good, per se, I did gleam a few morsels of enjoyment from it. The music is good, the graphics aren't terrible, and the gameplay is intense, as is usually the case with Mega Man games. Some piss poor design choices, the Nightmare system, and extremely high levels of straight-up bullshit place this one solidly at the bottom of the X series (though that could change once I play X7).
3. Dead Or Alive Xtreme Volleyball 2 (XB360)
The girls of Dead Or Alive strip down into swimsuits and play a number of games, including volleyball. Honestly, this game is pretty shitty because the controls are trash. How bad are they? Cripplingly bad, especially when playing volleyball. That's right. It's a volleyball game where the volleyball is the worst part. So what's good? The women in swimsuits, duh. If you want to drool over the women of DOA and can't grab a copy of DOAX3, this is your game.
4. Atelier Totori (PS3)
Not a bad game. A pretty good game in fact. It's an RPG with a strong time management mechanic. You take the role of a cute little girl as she travels around a cute little world with her cute little friends, killing cute little monsters while listening to cute little music. The problem is that sometimes Totori is too girly, sometimes to the point where I say to myself, "I think I'm too old to be playing this game." It's just an awkward feeling. But as mentioned before, the game is good. Plus, Melvia and Ceci are hot.
5. NBA 2K3 (PS2 & Gamecube)

Here's a real throwback. This game is 17 years old. Players constantly miss layup and dunks, sometimes missing as many as five in row. That is total crap because that would never happen in a real game. Seriously, just imagine watching a basketball game and watching LeBron James miss five straight dunks in a single game. How would that look? Also, there are some AI glitches that happen regularly, like the opposing team inbounding the ball to their point guard, who then decides not to move. It'll do that for an entire quarter. It's embarrassing. Then, sometimes the game will just crash, making this the only PS2/Gamecube (I have both versions) game I've ever played to do this. Despite all the problems, the game can be fun when it works. Also, the graphics held up well, with the players and courts still look good. Against all logic, this is the only basketball game I play on a regular basis. I've never played NBA 2K19 (2K13 is the most recent one I've played), but I'm still playing 2K3 on the Wii (ah, backwards compatibility) and PS2. That has to count for something.
And those are five bad games I have a soft spot for. Four of the five are undeniably bad, but have a level of charm to them. As mentioned before, Atelier Totori isn't a bad game. It just makes me feel weird. So, you could say it's really four bad games and one that makes me feel weird. Agree? Disagree? What are five pieces of crap that you like regardless? Feel free to comment and have your voice heard.
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