Dead Or Alive 6 is a pretty good game. The gameplay is strong, the roster is solid, the graphics are good, and the music is at least half-decent. On the whole, it's a good game.
DOA is about more than having good gameplay and good characters, though. The costumes are as big a part of the series as the counter system. They vary from badass to sexy to weird to...ordinary. Here are just a few I would like to see return.
20. Lisa Mach Swimsuit
Hey, doing okay there? |
Surely you didn't think this list wouldn't include a swimsuit. I decided to get this one out of the way early I really have to explain. It would be nice if this costume wasn't just limited to Lisa. They should give one to each girl some variation of this. It would just be nice to get it, though.
19. Kokoro's Naughty Girl Outfit
Not sure why, but I can't help but think of Tifa when I see this outfit. |
A outfit that shows Kokoro's wild side. A hot little number. For some odd reason she reminds me of Tifa from Final Fantasy 7 in this outfit.
18. Momiji's Shrine Maiden Outfit
Easily my favorite Momiji outfit...for reasons. |
A cute little outfit Momiji wears. I like to call this the Momiji Surprise because...anyone who's used this outfit will know. Maybe Momiji will come with it. Who knows?
17. Ayane's School Uniform
The best of all the school uniforms belongs to Ayane. |
My favorite Ayane outfit. I would love it if they brought back both this version and the blazer-type version.
16. Lei-Fang's Black Leather Outfit
I don't think I'll ever dislike this outfit. |
My favorite Lei-Fang outfit. Based on an outfit from the original DOA, it's a true classic. It would be nice if they went back to her original footwear, though. The heel boots just don't do it for me.
15. Kokoro's Second Outfit
She's totally covered and still sexy somehow. |
A comfortable-looking, all-covering outfit that still somehow looks sexy. Maybe it's just Kokoro though...
14. Kasumi's Tanktop, Shorts, and Short Boots Outfit
Kasumi looks so ordinary in this outfit and that's not a bad thing. |
Kasumi has a treasure trove of cute outfits and this is favorite. Makes her look like a regular girl. There's just something alluring about this outfit.
13. Rachel's Tough Chick Outfit
Even if Rachel doesn't return, this outfit should. |
An outfit looks sexy while making her look tough. If Rachel doesn't return, they she give it to Tina or Christie. Nico needs outfits, so she could be a possibility, too.
12. Christie's Black and Blue Flame Outfit
The outfit looks cool, but maybe she should at least wear a bra. |
A cool-looking outfit that just screams Christie. It's better than that jumpsuit she wears. This should have been her default. I do wonder how she prevents wardrobe malfunctions, though.
11. Japanese Gym Outfit for Ayane, Kasumi, Hitomi, and Kokoro
I can't lie. Ayane and Hitomi wear the hell out of these outfits. |
Some of the other girls got a version of this outfit in DOA 5. Only Ayane, Kasumi, Hitomi, and Kokoro looked right in them though. I like how the blue bloomers go with Ayane's purple hair and Hitomi looks at home in her red bloomers.
10. Mila's Sport's Bra and Sweat Pants Outfit
Mila's ready for a day at the gym. |
A good outfit to keep Mila going during those intense workouts. Heck, it even comes with a towel to wipe away the sweat. A practical, sexy outfit.
9. Tina's Black and Silver Outfit
I can't think of a reason they wouldn't bring this back. |
A good outfit for Tina. The WWE Diva's could learn a thing or two from her fashion sense.
8. Rig's Prisoner Outfit
Look how cool and tough he looks in that outfit. |
Don't now why, but I have a soft spot for this outfit. And no, it's not because I've been to jail, because I haven't. He just looks cool in this.
7. Kasumi's Leather Jacket Outfit
Kasumi brings this outfit straight out of the 50s. |
A cute outfit with an old-school vibe. Looks like it'd be good for a night at a drive-in movie. Or maybe motorcycling. Or perhaps going to a roller rink. An old-fashion date outfit.
6. Kokoro's Jacketed Exercise Outfit
They're almost there. |
They practically have the outfit already. All they need to do is add the option to put on a jacket. It shouldn't be too hard.
5. Eliot's ? Outfit
A guy in a dress or a punk rocker? You be the judge. |
Is it a skirt? Is it a quilt? Is it some British punk outfit? I don't know why, but I like it. Female gamers and gay guys may appreciate that you can finally get an upskirt from a guy. Let's just hope he's the only guy who does so.
4. Pai Chan's Shorts Outfit
Bring this back and bring back Pai while you're at it. |
A nice outfit for Pai. Maybe they could give it to Kasumi or Lei-Fang. Then again, Ayane has a lack of cute outfits, so she'd be a good candidate for it. It could work for Nico, too. Better yet, bring back Pai and give it to her.
3. Jahn Lee's Shoulder Armor Outfit.
That is a well-protected shoulder. |
Sometimes it's the simple things that make an outfit work. A little shoulder armor goes a long way.
2. Lei Fang's Lounge (?) Outfit
Whether it's a lazy day or a brutal fight, there's a place for this outfit. |
I love the heck out of this outfit. I can just see her studying at home or even showing up to class in this. A late-night trip to the grocery store wouldn't be out of the question, either.
1. Marie Rose's Goth/Loli Outfit
The shawl and headpiece take the outfit from cringy to cute. |
Marie Rose's best outfit, yet it's not here. They have her dressed-down version, the version I don't like. If the add the shawl and headpiece, the outfit will be complete.
And that's just twenty of the many outfits I'd like to see return in DOA 6, in no particular order. Agree? Disagree? What old outfits would you add? Have your voice heard. Comment.